I like a lot of this post!
Jan writes
>The same goes for us, who think differently than you do. Personally I have
>been talking about this for 14 years, and so far I have not read any
>argument showing that I am incorrect. I, too, find it fruitless. I am
>willing to accept you as a brother in Christ,
Jan, I like your posts more and more all the time.
>but up till now I find your arguments unconvincing, and even dangerous.
I'm not sure which arguments you are referring to.
>I have told you why, but thus
>far I did not read any convincing argument showing that I am
Maybe we talk past each other?
>Keeping on repeating arguments which I have mentioned for
>years, to which I have not received any convincing reply, does not make any
Agree! At least we share similar frustrations ;-)
>And, I repeat the subjects you want to be discussed, should indeed
>be studied, but cannot be solved by just writing letters back and
No, but I believe that it can help.
>Much more is needed. That is why our church appointed a
>committee of 10, which divided the work: 3 philosophers, 3 scientists
>(biology, physics. and I believe, geology), 3 theologians ( 1dogmatics, 1
>OT, 1NT) and one more person, I forgot his field.. They studied each in
>their own area, and came regularly together to try to see the "problem"
>each from his own "specialty" and to discuss.
>It is inconceivable, that we
>on this forum can accomplish a unified few by exchanging short
I have learned and changed my position on things just from this list!
>It does not mean that we do not accept YEC people, but it does
>mean that we disagree and sometimes point them in a different direction..
I do give YECs credit for believing in the Bible. They don't leave room
for crediting them with much else!
>I have tried to show why I disagree with you and that is not just
>disagreeing about some texts, but about the way texts are pulled out of
>their context.
I don't remember you showing me where Gen 1 disagreed with science. Maybe
more of that talking past each other.
>Personally, I find you way of reading the Bible dangerous,
>and you find my way dangerous.
Actually, I'm more puzzled than wary.
>I did not succeed, and you will not
>succeed, unless we go deeper in the philosophical, aand exegetical
A bit of humor, here. A while back someone referred to "eisegesis." I was
a little taken aback. I thought that it was about me (with my last name)!
Recently I saw that in a book. It's actually an official word (meaning
the interpretation of a text (as of the Bible) by reading into it one's
own ideas). But, yes, I agree with you. That is why I like to get my
hands on the Hebrew transliteration for sticky passages such as Gen 1:27.
Take care,
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