Pepperdine 2002: Deadline for papers approaching

From: Ted Davis (
Date: Mon Jan 07 2002 - 10:03:38 EST

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Re: views of scientists-help needed"

    Please note that January 10 is the deadline for submitting abstracts for
    consideration for the Pepperdine meeting. Thus far submissions are coming
    in slowly, so there is plenty of program space left for all traditional ASA
    subjects. We also encourage Christian scientists to give papers describing
    their own scientific work and the ways in which they see this as
    intersecting with their lives as Christians: this is a different type of
    paper than the usual, but we believe a very appropriate type of paper for
    this meeting and (we hope) future meetings as well. At least one of the
    plenary addresses will be of this type.

    Please submit a title and abstract (not more than 250 words) to:

    Ted Davis

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