RE: Discontinuity Conference Report

From: Stephen J. Krogh (
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 17:03:41 EDT

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    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: []On
    > Behalf Of D. F. Siemens, Jr.
     I can say that always with a numeral (apart from the problematic
    > occurences in Genesis 1) it clearly means either a 24-hour period or the
    > daylight portion thereof. Tying "evening and morning" to it indicates
    > that the Genesis usage is not unique.
    > Dave

    This argument is inconclusive. The Bible, after all, has no other occasion
    to enumerate sequential epoch’s of time. This argument can be challenged on
    several counts. For one, it is true only for passages describing days of
    human activity rather than divine activity. More importantly, no rule of
    Hebrew grammar states that yom attached to an ordinal must always refer to
    24-hour days. Hosea 6:2 prophesies that “after two days He (God) will
    revive us (Isreal); on the third — ordinal — day, He will restore us.” For
    centuries, Bible commentators have noted that the “day” in this passage,
    where the ordinal is used , refers to a year, years, or a thousand years, or
    maybe more.

    Stephen J. Krogh, P.G.
    The PanTerra Group

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