LU on environment

From: Jeffrey Greenberg (
Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 13:33:24 EDT

  • Next message: iain.strachan2: "Wheel of God"


      Michael Roberts attracts our attention to the space given
    environmental issues and environmental ethics by Campus
    Crusade's Leadership University. Please note that LU seems to be
    in a rather confused state of opinion over the complexity of
    environmental science, politics, theology, economics and their
    interrelationships. Most of CC's or LU's chosen opinion articles are
    clearly "free market" anti-regulatory and very conservative (I hate to
    use that modifier) relative to politics and theology. Most attitudes
    expressed are not so much for care of Creation but for "liberal" use
    of all its attributes. Cal DeWitt thrown into the mix is an odd
    bedfellow because he really represents a much more truly
    conservative position counter to our selfish exploitation of global

      Unfortunately from what Michael posted, LU seems unaware of
    the increasing number of evangelicals who do support more
    protective measures to help insure a healthy environment. Please
    note that the Evangelical Environmental Network, Target Earth,
    Earth Ministries, AuSable Institute (where DeWitt is Director),
    Christion Environmental Council, A Rocha and other organizations
    deeply engaged in the issues are not mentioned. I personally hope
    that no educated, devoted evangelical will get their primary briefing
    on faith and the environment from LU.
    Jeff Greenberg
    Jeffrey K. Greenberg, Professor and Chair
    Dept. of Geology and Environmental Science
    Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL 60187
                     Quote 1, "I never would have seen
                               it, if I hadn't believed
                     Quote 2, "Nothing is impossible for
                               the man who doesn't have
                               to do it himself."

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