Re: The Wheel of God

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 19:17:43 EDT

  • Next message: bivalve: "Taking Scripture seriously from Re: The Wheel of God"

    George and John,

    Just two points:

    (1) In his reply (7 Aug) to Richard McGough (who finds it strange that a
    Physics PhD is unable to appreciate the profound significance of the
    symmetries revealed in a study of the numerics of God's Word), George
    Murphy said:

      "Probably because this particular physicist is also a theologian &
    want's to see some theological content. Not all math symmetry is
    embodied in the real world, & the fact that your classification scheme
    has some synmmetry doesn't mean that it corresponds to anything of
    theological significance.
      "But let's follow up the physics analogy. Where the Omega-minus?
    I.e., does your scheme predict any novel theological result?"

    Upon which, John Burgeson comments:

    "I had not thought of that angle. Good point."

    Isn't it pretty obvious that He who engineered these remarkable
    numerical phenomena now coming to light had no intention of _adding_ to
    His Word, but rather of _underlining_ the truth of what is already there
    - and of reminding us all of His Being and Sovereignty. This, surely, is
    _real_ Christian theology - far removed from the realm of imagination -
    and I commend it to George. It is abundantly clear that many followers
    of Christ have become slipshod in respect of these fundamentals, having
    by a process of arbitrary selection created for themselves a bespoke
    'gospel' - foolishly believing that God must indulge such behaviour.

    Clearly, the Lord expects His people to apply their minds to these
    phenomena. The facts - fused into His Word - are beyond dispute. They
    have much to teach us - if we will but allow.

    (2) I join Richard in expressing astonishment that George appears not to
    understand that God's purposes vis-a-vis the world are fulfilled
    primarily through human agency. What could be clearer than the example
    of Joseph? Speaking to his brothers, who had sold him into slavery in
    Egypt, he says, "Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with
    yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to
    preserve life...And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity
    in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it
    was not you that sent me hither, but God:..." (Gen.45:5,7,8). Here is a
    key link in the chain representing the history of the 'chosen people'.

    Similarly, the structure of the Bible as we find it today is the end
    product of a divinely-ordained and -directed process that has clearly
    involved the prayers of countless saints and embraced a multitude of
    human decisions.

    In this context, Chuck Vandergraaf (2 Aug) raised the question:

    "... If, as you suggest, the supernatural structure of the 66 books is a
    clear indication that there's 'something to it', where does this leave
    those branches of Christianity that don't accept the 66 books?"

    I suggest the validity of any departure from the God-ordained structure
    (now confirmed by the numerical symmetries) must be seriously



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