Was Copernicus. Sun stood still

From: Samuel.D.Olsen@rf.no
Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 03:27:33 EDT

  • Next message: richard@biblewheel.com: "Re: The Wheel of God"


    I can accept most of the reported miracles in the Old Testament as
    authentic reports. However, this supposed account of the sun standing still
    is a real problem to me. How do you explain this story and that of Jonah,
    Ted? I want to maintain the belief that the Bible is the inspired Word of
    God. But this accout seems beyond credibility to me.


                        "Ted Davis"
                        <tdavis@messiah.e To: <asa@calvin.edu>
                        du> cc:
                        Sent by: Subject: Who was bothered by Copernicus?
                        07.08.01 19:53

    Those bothered by the apparent contradiction between Copernicanism and the
    literal sense of several verses of the Bible (more than a dozen, but e.g.
    Joshua chapter 10 and Eccles 1:5) include Martin Luther (George will
    properly tell us that his comment was impersonal, off-the-cuff, and
    unofficial--but then so were a lot of the things Luther said), Cardinal
    Bellarmino, and Tycho Brahe. The list could be a lot longer, but these
    three illustrate the point well enough.

    Ted Davis

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