Re: Agriculture and oil

From: Gordon Simons (
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 12:18:51 EDT

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Re: Pi"

    I think Glenn has made a convincing case that permanent oil shortages are
    on the way. This raises a couple of questions:

    1. While the issue of global warming has attracted the attention of our
    political institutions, no political institution seems to be viewing oil
    shortages as anything but a temporary problem. A permanent oil shortage
    could easily be more disruptive than some modest global warming.

    2. What do Christian churches plan to do about it? Besides helping to
    alleviate some of the pain it will cause when it comes, it could easily
    give rise to a major evangelistic opportunity. Should not some attention
    be given to planning for this?


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