Re: Fwd: Not just in Kansas, Anymore....

From: George Hammond (
Date: Sat Jul 28 2001 - 16:56:56 EDT

  • Next message: Marcio Pie: "Re: Fwd: Not just in Kansas, Anymore...."


      Ms. Pie's disturbing initiative is just another sign that the
    Fundamentalists have scented blood in the water and that they
    sense the impending discovery of a "scientific proof of God".
      They are absolutely correct about this, and the discovery has already
    been dubbed the SPOG (scientific proof of God).
      This discovery proves that, as Ms. Pie put it, "both" Creationism and
    Evolution are scientifically correct.
      I have repeatedly warned the scientific community that their continued
    ignorance of the SPOG is going to result in a public CRUCIFIXION OF SCIENCE
    when it is learned that the discovery has been known since 1997 and
    systematically ignored and suppressed by the scientific community:


    Sincerely, George Hammond


    Marcio Pie wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > I just got this from another mailing list.
    > Marcio
    > >Colleagues,
    > >
    > >I would like to share with you the leading headline on the front page of
    > >this morning's Honolulu Star Bulletin:
    > >
    > >"BOE [Board of Education] Panel Opens Door to Teaching Creationism"
    > >
    > >A version of the article is at:
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >Click on the "Late Breaking" icon near the top list.
    > >
    > >Some of the more disturbing excerpts:
    > >
    > >"The move came after board member Denise Matsumoto complained that proposed
    > >state performance standards for science...presented Charles Darwin's theory
    > >of evolution as fact rather than opinion."
    > >
    > >When board memebr Karen Knudsen asked Matsumoto what she meant when she
    > >referred to "both" theories of origin:
    > >
    > >"Matsumoto replied, 'The other theory is creationism. They're both theories.
    > >They both have scientific data that go with them."
    > >
    > >"'Evolution' is often times confused with 'adaptation,' Matsumoto argued.
    > >'So many times in our textbooks and our science classes, adaptation gets
    > >replaced with the word evolution,' she said. 'Adaptation is a change within
    > >a species to adapt to their survival rather than evolution, which is
    > >changing from one species to another species such as ape to man. Matsumoto
    > >suggested that such changes between species are not possible."
    > >
    > >When I told my wife (also an evolutionary biologist) about this, she
    > >responded "Not in my backyard!" We'll be drafting a letter this evening. I
    > >encourage others on this list to consider doing the same.
    > >
    > >Aloha,
    > >Rich
    > >
    > >Richard L. Pyle
    > >Ichthyology, Bishop Museum
    > >1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817
    > >Ph: (808)848-4115, Fax: (808)847-8252
    > >email:
    > >
    > >"The views expressed are the author's, and not necessarily those of Bishop
    > >Museum."
    > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    > Marcio R. Pie
    > Department of Biology
    > Boston University
    > 5 Cummington St.
    > Boston, MA 02215
    > Phone: (617) 353-6974
    > FAX: (617) 353-6340

    Be sure to visit my website below, and please ask your
    news service provider to add  alt.sci.proof-of-god
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics

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