Re: New Search Engine -- ILOR.COM

Date: Sat Jul 28 2001 - 11:24:24 EDT

  • Next message: George Hammond: "Re: Fwd: Not just in Kansas, Anymore...."

    George Murphy wrote (in regard to my terse comment):

            Of course I understand what you mean by the latter phrase but I think
    it's important to emphasize (especially for non-ASA members on the list) that
    ASA does come down quite unambiguously on one side of the fundamental origins
    issue. I.e., the organization's statement of faith says that the universe is
    the creation of the Triune God, as confessed in the Nicene & Apostles'
    Creeds. This is diametrically opposed to the position of, e.g., Dawkins.
    OTOH, the ASA has no official stance on secondary (though important)
    questions of whether & to to what extent God's creative activity took place
    through evolutionary processes.

    Thanks for straightening that out for me. As usual,
    the "send" button will only be pushed _after_ the writing
    has achieved its maximum degree of ambiguity. sigh....

    BTW, isn't "world-of-dawkins" a kind of pretentious
    name for a website?

    It also seems consistent.
    To offer anything constructive on the matter, I suspect
    I would first need to understand the psychology of people
    who find great appeal in a place like that. My feeling is
    that I still have a whole lot more to learn myself about
    magnanimity and I have yet to be convinced that Dawkins
    would serve as a good mentor in _that_ regard.
                  by Grace we proceed

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