Re: On Pi and E

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Thu Jul 12 2001 - 16:59:52 EDT

  • Next message: Vernon Jenkins: "Re: On Pi and E"


    Thanks for writing.

    I completely agree with you that the witnessing of a miracle is no
    guarantee of conversion; however, we cannot assume that it never works!
    The Lord's appeal to unbelievers (Jn.10:37,38) gives me confidence that
    the 'standing miracle' of The Other Bible Code must have some leverage
    in this respect.

    You make reference to Muslim numerology. Are you really suggesting that
    this bears comparison with the matters that I am attempting to bring
    forward? If so, perhaps you would be good enough to provide me with
    links to the relevant sites.



    > Vernon Jenkins wrote:
    > However, I do not
    > doubt the potency of the numerics in making the unregenerate
    > sinner more
    > amenable to the work of the Holy Spirit; but I suspect the
    > message is
    > also for those believers who, perhaps unwittingly, are
    > completely
    > confused about the Gospel, and about what the Bible really
    > says! To know
    > that God is, and to know that he is so capable, should help
    > to restore a
    > healthy fear of him, and belief in what he says.
    > It seems to me that most of the OT and NT point out how little people
    > believe despite even witnessing miracles. Even granting that we can
    > take this numerology as a genuine act of God, rather than chance or
    > human engineering, I don't see how that would change anything in that
    > regard. Not once did numeric claims even so much as move a single
    > iota of my soul to believe anything about scripture as a
    > non-Christian.
    > At least realize that Muslims do this all the time with the prime
    > numbers and all that stuff. Does that mean I should become a
    > Muslim? I don't see what criteria I am supposed to use to reject
    > Muslim numerology that doesn't apply equally to Christian
    > numerology. It wouldn't surprise me if Buddhists can claim
    > the same things, although I haven't asked. At most, this is
    > perhaps a way for a believer to appreciate the Bible.
    > it is only by Grace we proceed,
    > Wayne

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