Why the Secular Trend proves the Trinity

From: George Hammond (ghammond@mediaone.net)
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 18:42:21 EDT

  • Next message: George Hammond: "Re: WHY 15-BILLION YEARS = 6000 YEARS"

    Note, excerpted from:


    please see details (one page) at above URL:

    Finally we see that the Secular Trend itself is explained by the
    fundamental (trinity) control loop:

      Genotype------------------------------> Phenotype
                      ^ |
                      | |
                      | |
                      | |
                   Growth Curve Deficit

                      SECULAR TREND
     In fact, as all engineers know, the "conrol loop equation"
    also known as the "feedback equation" is given as:

                                open loop gain
    Closed loop gain = -----------------------------
                           1 + open loop gain
    or G = --------
                 1 + A

    Now, to see how this works in the case of the
    SECULAR TREND, we simply identifiy G as the
    average percentage of brain growth in the population
    of the world (somewhere between 0 and 100 percent).

    [Note: This is also the percentage of the way that
    we have progressed towards 'Kingdom Come' as it is

    We then identify A as the "productivity" of
    the civilization. A is assumed to be growing
    exponentially with time, i.e. because of population
    increase and the invention of tools, mass production
    (synergy) etc. etc.
      OK, using:

    A = a exp(bt)

    we get:
                    a exp(bt)
            G = ------------
                  1 + a exp(bt)

            G = -----------------
                  1 + 1/a exp(-bt)

    Which is the standard formula of the celebrated SIGMOIDAL CURVE.

    This explains why the Secular Trend is observed to be a
    Sigmoidal Curve, and proves that it is caused by the
    functional action of the "Trinity of God" in society.
      The Secular Trend is in fact a scientific proof of
    the "Trinity" of God in Religion (cf. In Christianity
    for example). See:


    for further details on the Trinity of God.

    Be sure to visit my website below, and please ask your
    news service provider to add  alt.sci.proof-of-god
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics
    Email:    ghammond@mediaone.net
    Website:  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html

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