From: George Hammond (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 19:09:27 EDT

  • Next message: "On Pi and E"

    NOTE: The original post to which this thread refers may be
           seen at:

    John W Burgeson wrote:
    > Sorry for last transmission. Hit the wrong key again and Billy Gates got
    > me.
    > Try again.
    > Hammond wrote: " BTW, thanks for finding yourself able to say something
    > to me without being unnecessarily critical. Whether that is brilliance
    > or tact I'm uncertain, but it certainly is rare."
    > You must be referring to my exchanges with Vernon. I was cahstized
    > privately by another on this list for poking fun at Vernon; I responded
    > that my posts meant to poke fun at Vernon's claims and not Vernon's
    > person, and that I apologized if I had been unclear in this.

      No, no, no ,no... quite the opposite.. after so much abuse from other
    quarters I was merely remarking how refreshing and enlightening it was
    to have someone actually address me politely. I'd quite forgotten
    how it sounds.

    > You had written: " Well, it means that the first people awoke after they
    > had biologically appeared 6,000 years ago and discovered that a
    > "15-billion year old world" had been instantly (on an Evolutionary time
    > scale) been "Created by God".. fossils, and all." and I asked
    > >
    > > Interesting. Does this mean you are in substantial agreement with
    > Gosse's > claims in OMPHALOS?
    > Your response is puzzling. You wrote : " Well, you and I and Steven J.
    > Gould and a lot of other enlightened people can appreciate a spellbinding
    > preacher like Gosse who could spin a yarn that would entertain the
    > hardest bitten heretic and yet preach the word of God. Certainly
    > something a cloistered academic like myself could never do, but something
    > you and SJG can approach. No, I'm afraid Gosse was more of a masterful
    > preacher while I'm simply a physicist (after all he could get their
    > attention and dazzle, entertain and confound them, I can't)."
    > The historical record does show that Gosse was a leader in his church,
    > the Plymouth Brethern, but how good a preacher he was I have no idea; his
    > son'e biography of him, FATHER & SON, published about 1910, does not
    > bring out that attribute to any extent. His book, OMPHALOS, which I
    > reviewed in the most recent PERSPECTIVES, sets forth his claims, which
    > sound a lot like yours. BTW, a copy of that review is on my website,
    > along with other notes on Gosse. A most interesting character.

    Well, I was just pointing out that stating that "God put fossils in
    rocks to confuse biologists" certainly is a masterful religious
    parable destined to be forever remembered by the religiously unaware.

    > Thank you for linking me with Gould (above). he is a great writer; of
    > course he is not a preacher, since he is a non-theist. I am also not a
    > preacher, although I have taken the pulpit as a guest in various churches
    > on occasion, and I am certainly not in the same class as Gould as far as
    > writing ability (or speaking ability) is concerned.

      I gave one 30 minute professional address in my life, to 150
    Psychology and Neuropsychology researchers in Montreal.
    Hans Eysenck was the moderator.
      1/3 of the audience apparently fell asleep, 1/3 left for
    refreshments and the other third busied themselves with homework.
    In fact, Hans was the only one who listened to me. I'll
    never do it again.

    > You wrote: " I talked to Julian Jaynes on the telephone a number of times
    > in the early 1980's and certainly regret his passing a few years ago. He
    > was a very enlightened and alert man, and made a significant contribution
    > by developing public awareness of Sperrian Brain Lateralization with his
    > book. In fact, my Psychometry theory has now confirmed that Sperry is
    > one axis of the brain in Psychometry and does account for one axis of the
    > BI/2P System. Again, experimental proof was not Jaynes' department..
    > guessing the right answer and getting the public's attention was more his
    > line of work. He had a sense of humor too... in fact told me that he
    > was having the book translated but had discovered that there was no word
    > for "Bicameral" in German."
    > That is fascinating. I had not heard of his passing. His book is a
    > "keeper" on my own library shelf. He made me think in different
    > directions, and that always makes me glad. I am surprised by your last
    > sentence; German is so flexible in making up new terminology. But my own
    > German was never very good and is now almost 45 years in the past since I
    > last used it to any extent.

    I took German for two years in college and between that and ROTC I
    nearly flunked out of college... I couldn't understand what a
    "case" is... I mean declaring that all statements must be
    either nominative, dative, subjunctive etc. sounded like an abridgment
    of the freedom of speech to me, and I concluded it was something
    peculiar to ancient or foreign languages. I had similar problems
    with the military trying to understand what the Red Menace at home
    and a broad was. I shudder to think about how innocent I was when
    I was a kid.

    > Again -- sorry for the incomplete version of this which got sent.
    > John Burgeson (Burgy)
    > (science/theology, quantum mechanics, baseball, ethics,
    > humor, cars, God's intervention into natural causation, etc.)

    Be sure to visit my website below, and please ask your
    news service provider to add  alt.sci.proof-of-god
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics

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