Re: Where is man? (was RE: Faith was: Creation Ex Nihilio and other journals)

From: Stein A. Strømme (
Date: Mon Feb 05 2001 - 03:25:45 EST

  • Next message: Inge Frette: "ASA in Baltimore"

    [I wrote:]

    | >Glenn, I for one would grant you the possibility of those 3 million
    | >years, but there is still the rest of the civilization bit in
    | >Howard's post to consider. You have argued very convincingly that
    | >the eight survivors of the flood would need very long time to
    | >rebuild an advanced civilization. A similarly long time would have
    | >to be added to your 3 million years.

    [Glenn Morton replied:]

    | The 3 million+ years IS the time needed to rebuild. I say that the
    | only way to have any semblance of actual history in the Genesis
    | account is to move the flood way back to 5.5 myr. I don't see the need
    | to add more time for rebuilding than that.>

    [Allan Harvey commented:]

    | I think his point is that you need some number of years *before* the
    | flood for humans to build up from the stone tool level to the
    | technological level reported in Genesis. Maybe you wouldn't need 3
    | million, but I think it would take some time for such a civilization
    | to be built up starting with Adam and Eve in your scenario. So you'd
    | have to push Adam back more than 5.5 myr, maybe not to 8.5 but to more
    | than 5.51.

    Yes, that was indeed my point, sorry for not being clearer.

    Stein Arild Strømme                             telefon +47 55584825
    Universitetet i Bergen, Matematisk institutt      mobil +47 95801887
    Johs Brunsg 12, N--5008 Bergen                  telefax +47 55589672
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