In a message dated Fri, 2 Feb 2001 3:59:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Glenn Morton" <> writes:
<< >-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 10:13 AM
>To: Glenn Morton
>Glenn, I for one would grant you the possibility of those 3 million
>years, but there is still the rest of the civilization bit in Howard's
>post to consider. You have argued very convincingly that the eight
>survivors of the flood would need very long time to rebuild an
>advanced civilization. A similarly long time would have to be added
>to your 3 million years.
The 3 million+ years IS the time needed to rebuild. I say that the only way
to have any semblance of actual history in the Genesis account is to move
the flood way back to 5.5 myr. I don't see the need to add more time for
rebuilding than that.>
I think his point is that you need some number of years *before* the flood for humans to build up from the stone tool level to the technological level reported in Genesis. Maybe you wouldn't need 3 million, but I think it would take some time for such a civilization to be built up starting with Adam and Eve in your scenario. So you'd have to push Adam back more than 5.5 myr, maybe not to 8.5 but to more than 5.51.
Allan Harvey,
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