Re: conservative writers and evolution

From: Blaine D. McArthur (
Date: Mon Nov 13 2000 - 12:11:42 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "RE: conservative writers and evolution"

    Hello Glenn,

    Inge has already mentioned Evolution, Scripture, and Science : Selected
    Writings by B.B Warfield; I haven't had a chance to look into it yet but
    it is on my list.

    Another excellent book you might consider is Colin A. Russelll's
    Cross-currents: Interactions Between Science and Faith. He not only
    discusses the views of 18th and 19 century Christian writers, theologians
    and scientists, but 17th, 16th, and older, going back through Galileo and
    Copernicus to the Greeks.

    Regarding the other writers Ted mentioned this might interest you - a
    number of selections from The Fundamentals:

    * Holy Scripture and Modern Negations, by James Orr, (in which,
    among other things, he defends the infallible bible and criticizes idea
    of the "infallible church.")
    * The Early Narratives of Genesis, by James Orr ("not myths but
    ... narratives of real transactions")
    * Science and the Christian Faith, by James Orr, (urges us to
    distinguish between "Darwinism" and Darwin's theory)
    * The Deity of Christ, by B.B Warfield, and The Virgin Birth of
    Christ, by James Orr, (no conservative could fault either of these

    There can be no doubt that both of these men were conservative and highly
    orthodox in their theology. While both Orr and Warfield expressed some
    dissatisfaction with minor details of Darwin's theory, for the most part
    they had no problem accepting it into their of God's creation.
    (To be fair, The Fundamentals does contain a couple of essays denouncing
    Evolution, although one of them is unattributed)

    > conservative writers who accept the age of the earth and
    > evolution, by
    > > naming these: BB Warfield, AA Hodge (not C Hodge), CH Strong, and
    > J Orr.
    > > Now it may be that they were not "conservative" by some
    > > definition, or that
    > > they did not really accept "evolution", by some definition.
    > > Surely they all
    > > accepted the antiquity of the earth, and by reasonable
    > > definitions (I would
    > > argue), they were conservatives who accepted evolution.
    > I appreciate the correction. I will have to go look up the writings
    > of these
    > guys. Were they all from the late 1800s and early 1900s? There was a
    > period
    > of time when the majority of conservative Christians accepted the
    > age of the
    > earth. This was prior to the advent of Henry Morris and John
    > Whitcomb. I
    > would say that never have the conservatives had a majority or
    > anywhere near
    > a majority who accepted evolution.
    > glenn
    > see
    > for lots of creation/evolution information

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