Reasons to Believe Ministry

From: Dale K Stalnaker (
Date: Thu Nov 02 2000 - 09:27:55 EST

  • Next message: Vandergraaf, Chuck: "FW: New Car"


    At this year's prayer breakfast at my workplace (NASA Glenn Research
    Center, Cleveland, OH), the guest speaker will be Mark Armstrong, a
    volunteer with the "Reasons to Believe" apologetic ministry. According the
    announcement, Mr. Armstrong's presentation is meant to share "how the
    sciences relate to Christianity and encourage us to approach our work
    through the lens of faith". Is anyone at ASA familiar with the "Reasons to
    Believe" organization?

    Dale Stalnaker

    Dale K. Stalnaker
    NASA/Glenn Research Center
    Power & Propulsion Office
    PHONE: (216) 433-5399
    FAX: (216) 433-2995

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