Re: Reasons to Believe Ministry

From: Lawrence Johnston (
Date: Thu Nov 02 2000 - 11:05:27 EST

  • Next message: Bert Massie: "Re: Hominid speech"

    Dale wrote:
    > At this year's prayer breakfast at my workplace (NASA Glenn Research
    > Center, Cleveland, OH), the guest speaker will be Mark Armstrong, a
    > volunteer with the "Reasons to Believe" apologetic ministry. According the
    > announcement, Mr. Armstrong's presentation is meant to share "how the
    > sciences relate to Christianity and encourage us to approach our work
    > through the lens of faith". Is anyone at ASA familiar with the "Reasons to
    > Believe" organization?
    I am one who appreciates RTB. Head is Hugh Ross, a physicist / astronomer who has
    built a large Christian following. His Basic approach: The Big Bang and its
    consequences are to be taken seriously by the Christian community. He is
    strongly opposed by Young Earthers, because of the Old Earth implications of the Big
    Bang. His approach to exegesis of Genesis I is to take the creation Days as long
    geologic periods.
    All God's best, Larry

    "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set
     eternity in the hearts of men" - - Ecclesiastes 3:11, NIV trans

    Lawrence H. Johnston 917 E. 8th st.
    professor of physics, emeritus Moscow, Id 83843
    University of Idaho (208) 882-2765 =====================

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