Re: Reasons to Believe Ministry

From: gordon brown (
Date: Thu Nov 02 2000 - 10:35:19 EST

  • Next message: Steve Krogh: "Re: Reasons to Believe Ministry"


    Reasons to Believe is astronomer Hugh Ross's ministry. Ross's purpose is
    to show how scientific discoveries support the Bible. He is a progressive
    creationist. Much of what he does is based on astronomy, his area of
    expertise, with a lot of emphasis on the Big Bang and the universe's fine
    tuning, but he also gets into other areas of science where his claims are
    more likely to be disputed by some people on this list.

    Gordon Brown
    Department of Mathematics
    University of Colorado
    Boulder, CO 80309-0395

    On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Dale K Stalnaker wrote:

    > Hello,
    > At this year's prayer breakfast at my workplace (NASA Glenn Research
    > Center, Cleveland, OH), the guest speaker will be Mark Armstrong, a
    > volunteer with the "Reasons to Believe" apologetic ministry. According the
    > announcement, Mr. Armstrong's presentation is meant to share "how the
    > sciences relate to Christianity and encourage us to approach our work
    > through the lens of faith". Is anyone at ASA familiar with the "Reasons to
    > Believe" organization?
    > Thanks,
    > Dale Stalnaker
    > ----------------------------------------------
    > Dale K. Stalnaker
    > NASA/Glenn Research Center
    > Power & Propulsion Office
    > PHONE: (216) 433-5399
    > FAX: (216) 433-2995

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