Re: What are most convincing anti-Christian tracts?

From: glenn morton (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 13:41:29 EST

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    At 10:15 AM 3/1/00 -0500, Joel Cannon wrote:
    >Hello all:
    >Ted Davis's comments about Andrew Dickson White's book brings up what
    >I find to be an interesting question concerning anti-Christian writing.
    >What books, articles tracts against Christianity do the people on the
    >list find to be most convincing? This need not, of course, involve
    >science (and in my opinion won't).
    > We might add a second question asking what tracts are most effective
    >because like advertising, religious arguments can be effective while
    >having flawed logic or bad premises (which are accepted by the general
    >audience). White was apparently quite effective but maybe less
    >convincing to someone familiar with the data.

    Be that as it may, I first ran into Cosmas via WHite. I got Cosmas' book
    and behold, what White said Cosmas said turned out to be true. What is one
    to do with that?

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