Re: What are most convincing anti-Christian tracts?

From: Graham Richard Pointer (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 06:36:14 EST

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: More on AD White."

    Last night I was surfing atheist websites (I feel that to effectively
    evangelise we need to know where people are coming from) and one thing I
    noticed is the advice to give theists the arguments from evolution and

    It seems that some Christians have pushed the agenda onto these- if they
    didn't argue against these on the grounds that evolution and cosmology are
    fundamentally anti-Christian, then atheists wouldn't use these as

    One question about atheists- why do they emphasise that they are
    non-Christian? Why not emphasise that they are non-Hindus or non-Bahai'i
    etc.? Why when trying to disprove the existence of God do they only
    attack Christianity?


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