Re: Living with the liabilities

From: glenn morton (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 15:06:55 EST

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: Living with the liabilities"

    At 02:20 PM 3/1/00 -0700, John W. Burgeson wrote:
    >I'm not at all sure what those liabilities are. What I see as a result of
    >reading (and helping to edit) Glenn's last book rather carefully is that
    >IMAGO DEI lived a lot longer than 7,000 years ago. IMHO, he has made that
    >case rather well. His identification of a creature 2-4 MY ago with the
    >Adam of Genesis I don't find credible, but that identification is not of
    >much interest to me, so I have not concentrated on it. The Adam of
    >Genesis may well be much closer to your view.

    Burgy, a question. Genesis 3 gives one of the results of the sin as being
    pain in childbirth. In modern humans this pain is caused in large measure
    by the large brain size of the infant passing through the birth canal. The
    earliest hominid with a human pattern of brain maturation and birth is Homo
    rudolfensis dated at 2.4 million years ago. Given the early existence of
    this trait given by the Bible as a punishment for sin, how do you deal with
    a late Adam? Do you think that the curse was in existence prior to the
    fall? Do you think that the curses didn't happen?

    I have previously written on this at:



    Foundation, Fall and Flood
    Adam, Apes and Anthropology

    Lots of information on creation/evolution

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