Re: Ubiquitous humans

From: Wayne Dawson (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 19:50:41 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: Post holes"

    Glenn Morton wrote:

    For references for this --buy the book [F^3].

    I second the motion.

    In any case, the issue of "what makes us human" should be the starting
    point from which we discern Biblical truths about "humanity". I won't
    assert that Glenn has "the Truth(TM,R,C)", but I will assert that "the
    question 'what makes us human' appears to be working in a 'productive
    direction, in my opinion'". If one wishes to use the Bible as a
    criteria for establishing this "humanity", I see no problem with that
    per se, but it must be logically consistent. In the end, "Truth"
    should be shaped by what actually *is*, not by what we think it should


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