
From: Wayne Dawson (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 00:14:25 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: Post holes"

    I haven't seen this on the list here, but I thought this was rather
    encouraging news. I still think some of the best people I know are
    ones who have the courage to admit when they are wrong. If only this
    could have come with a lower price tag on the history books and our
    conscience. May we take heed, and consider from the lessons of
    history how to avert repeating this same self righteous folly.

    >From the BBC website

    Celebrations are taking place in Rome for the 400th anniversary of a
    Dominican monk whose execution is causing embarrassment to the contemporary

    Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake on 17 February, 1600, for refusing to
    recant his philosophical beliefs before the Catholic Church's Inquisition.

    Anarchist groups are reading his death sentence and performing street
    theatre, a local Rome school has adopted his statue and there will be a
    parade in his honour in historical costume.

    Bruno and others tortured and killed by the Inquisition will receive a
    formal apology from the Catholic church next month.

    Pope John Paul will publicly seek forgiveness for errors and injustices
    committed by the church in a "Request for Forgiveness Day."

    But the monk is unlikely to be rehabilitated by the church.

    Cardinal Paul Poupard, chairman of the Vatican's cultural council, has said
    Bruno's teachings are "incompatible" with Christian doctrine and it is not
    possible to rehabilitate him.

    Bruno scholar Anacleto Verrecchia told Italian newspaper Corriere della
    Sera the Pope cannot rehabilitate the monk.

    "Bruno's theory that the universe is eternal excludes the idea of a god
    creator and is probably closer to Buddhism," he said.

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