Re: Post holes

From: glenn morton (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 00:41:51 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: What's missing"

    At 10:32 PM 2/28/00 -0500, Dick Fischer wrote:

    >Genesis says the garden of Eden was "eastward," that is, east of where they
    >were rummaging in the desert after leaving Egypt, or perhaps east of the
    >"promised land." So do I. Glenn places it westward.

    Exactly where do you derive that eastward is to be measured from the Sinai?
     I can't find that anywhere in my Bible. What version do you use? While I
    would certainly agree that it is a possible interpretation of the term
    'eastward' it isn't the only place that eastward can be measured from.

    Genesis places the
    >garden of Eden near the junction of the Tigris and Euphrates. So do I.
    >Glenn places it in the Mediterranean basin.

    At the former junction of the Tigris and Euphrates--Dick you know this. Why
    can't you at least give a fair representation of what I am advocating
    rather than this self-serving mangled account?

     Genesis says Adam was created
    >out of the dust. So do I. Glenn says Adam had natural parents who were

    Our bodies show numerous similarities to the apes both morphologically and
    chemically. I would suggest that your view makes God out to be a deceiver
    who created us to look like the apes, with even broken pseudogenes and all,
    when we aren't related to them. To me that says bad things about your view
    of God.

     Genesis says there were ten patriarchs from Noah to Abraham. So do
    >I. Glenn says there were hundreds or even thousands of unnamed,
    >intermediate descendants.

    Here, at last, you represent my views correctly.

    My views are a bit better than your brief characature would lead one to
    believe. If there is anyone who doesn't know how I put it all together see

    It corrrects some of the things that Dick messes up.

    Foundation, Fall and Flood
    Adam, Apes and Anthropology

    Lots of information on creation/evolution

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