Re: ??/

From: George Murphy (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 23:12:30 EST

  • Next message: Wayne Dawson: "reconciliation"

    John W. Burgeson wrote:
    > George Murphy made what is to me a puzzling comment when he wrote at the
    > end of a reply to Bill Payne:
    > >> reason a scientist who is a Christian should ask "What's
    > missing?" is
    > belief that God created a world which is understandable "though God were
    > not given.">>
    > When I was a non-Christian physicist, I did indeed take as a presumption
    > the statement "The world is, to a very large extent, understandable."
    > When I became a Christian, that presumption did not change, although its
    > wording did change to "God created a world which is, to a very large
    > extent, understandable."
    > But I don't know that the presumption ever took on the status of a belief
    > statement. That seems to elevate it to a higher status than it deserves.

            I did not mean that this statement (that God created a world which is
    understandable "though God were not given") is dogma, to be held "with the certainty
    of faith." It is a "theological opinion" (one not unique to or original with me) -
    but I think one with considerable support.

    George L. Murphy

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