500 kyr Post holes in Japan

From: glenn morton (mortongr@flash.net)
Date: Sat Feb 26 2000 - 16:56:01 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: What's missing"

     David Campbell was kind enough to alert me to a BBC report about 500,000
    year old post holes in Japan. It took a while to verify this report but it
    has been reported widely in Japanese Newspapers. One person translated part
    of an article from a major Japanese newspaper for me. He wrote:

    "My translation is not very good, but this is summary from what Yomiuri
    Shimbun (one of the major news paper in Japan) wrote."

    'Saitama Educational Association reported that on Feb 21, they found 10
    holes which seem to be post holes and 30 stone implements from Ogasaka
    Ruins. Judging from the stratums, they were made a half-million years ago.
    The post holes are making 2 circles, 5 holes per one circle.'"

    end translation

    To the best of my knowledge, this is the earliest evidence of human
    habitation in Japan.
    "The oldest Palaeolithic site in Japan is still uncertain, but there are
    several sites that have been excavated below deep stratified volcanic soils
    in Miyagi prefecture and Tokyo. These sites are dated to more than one
    hundred thousand years BP by a variety of phsycial dating methods,
    especially tephra chronology. The origin of the people who came to live in
    Japan is still under discussion." ~ Akira Matsui, "Wetland Sites in Japan",
    in Bryon Coles, The Wetland Revolution in Prehistory, (Exeter: The
    Prehistoric Society, 1992), p. 5-14, p 5

     It is also one of the earlier evidences of hut building. There is the hut
    at Terra Amata France which dates to 400,000 years ago, and the huts at
    Bilzingslbeben which date to 400,000 years ago. Only one possible evidence
    of hut construction is older than this that I am aware of and that is the
    nearly 2 myr old hut discovered by Mary Leakey at DK site. (Richard Leakey,
    "Recent Fossil finds From East Africa," in J.R. Durant ed. Human Origins,
    (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989) p 60-61)

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