Re: What's missing?

From: glenn morton (
Date: Sat Feb 26 2000 - 09:03:40 EST

  • Next message: Bill Payne: "Re: What's missing?"

    At 11:29 PM 2/25/00 -0700, Allen & Diane Roy wrote:
    > > was surprised when Bill supplied the correct answer -- Nothing is
    missing because it is complete as I wrote it. Wayne and Stein gave the
    typical answer and Glenn came up with something original: commas.<<<

    Thank you for noticing. I like to be original. Following what everyone else
    does is like being a sheep.

    >>>Contrary to Glenn's statement that "this is a case where a conclusion
    can be drawn only if one limits the possible answers," the question "what
    is missing?" is really a leading question. The question leads one to
    assume that something is missing when there is nothing missing at all. It
    prejudices or biases any answer developed. The problem is not the data but
    the question. The proper question should be: "What do you see?" When we
    ask proper questions, we are able to push ahead with better understanding.
    This is science, is it see what is there?

    What is missing? Nothing. It is the wrong question and the only way to
    answer it is to bring the question into question. <<<<

    So does this mean that as a YEC you are asking the wrong questions?

    Foundation, Fall and Flood
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