Re: What's missing

From: glenn morton (
Date: Sat Feb 26 2000 - 09:00:55 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: What's missing?"

    At 10:33 PM 2/25/00 -0600, Bill Payne wrote:
    >I would say that a conclusion can be drawn only if we know what the
    >product (in this case a series of numbers) was intended, by its creator,
    >to look like. To say that a 4, or commas, or anything else is missing is
    >to assume that we can read the intentions of Allen, or that we can
    >delimit for Allen his range of possibilities. Since we have no
    >communication from Allen, we have no way of knowing whether anything is
    >missing or not. Only if Allen tells us what the series is supposed to
    >look like, will we be able to know what, if anything, is missing.
    >With respect to the cosmos, the mind of God as revealed in Scripture
    >gives us some boundaries within which to work.

    Assuming that you are reading it correctly and not mangling it. And given
    mankinds penchant for messing things up that becomes a big assumption.

    >And this is what
    >>young-earth creationism does, it limits the possible interpretations
    >>of the
    >>Scripture to just one, and then says that that is the only possible
    >> It is important not to limit a view to simply one possibility until
    >>data requires it.
    >Meaning you're open to YEC?

    Actually Bill, I can document that I was open to YEC. I published 20+
    papers and one book advocating it in the early 1980s. Do you have any equal
    documentary evidence that you are open to a non-global flood view of the
    world? If anyone has a claim to having an open mind about these things, I
    do, because I have been on both sides of this issue during my life. I
    proved my open mindedness when I changed views. But I haven't seen any
    evidence of a similar openness by you.

    Foundation, Fall and Flood
    Adam, Apes and Anthropology

    Lots of information on creation/evolution

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