Re: What's missing

From: George Murphy (
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 07:31:41 EST

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: Surprise"

    glenn morton wrote:
    > At 03:25 AM 2/25/00 -0700, Wayne Shelton wrote:
    > >The purpose---(for) four
    > >Wayne Shelton
    > >Wayne Shelton
    > > & Diane Roy wrote: What is missing in the following series of numbers?
    > >123567890 Allen Roy
    > This is most likely what Allen was wanting, but that conclusion can only be
    > reached by ruling out what Bill Payne said (nothing is missing) and what I
    > said, (commas are missing). To me, this is a case where a conclusion can be
    > drawn only if one limits the possible answers. And this is what
    > young-earth creationism does, it limits the possible interpretations of the
    > Scripture to just one, and then says that that is the only possible answer.
    > It is important not to limit a view to simply one possibility until the
    > data requires it.

            Maybe a better illustration of this point is the question, "What is the
    next number in the sequence
                            1,2,3,4,5 ?
    The answer is "of course" 126 .

    George L. Murphy

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