Re: Surprise

From: John W. Burgeson (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 15:46:09 EST

  • Next message: Moorad Alexanian: "Re: Surprise"

    Dick wrote: "Ah, but you are not God."

    I think I figured that one out awhile ago! < G >

    "What I am alluding to is God's foreknowledge. As someone put it, the
    past, present, and future are all in the "now" of God. If you and I were
    known to God
    from the foundations of the earth, then there are no surprises."

    I understand. Then why was God surprised when his creation went so wrong
    in early Genesis?

    "Our fathers and mothers were known, all of our forefathers were known.
    Nobody in the long chain of countless billions of possibilities did
    anything that
    would have precluded you and me from being here today. And that goes for
    everyone else on the planet. All the ants and alligators too. Either
    knows the future or He does not. You can't have it both ways."

    My point exactly, Dick. So, I'm a robot and so are you? I think not.

    "But if God can be surprised by what you may or may not do,
    then how could you say you were "elected"? "

    Good point. I don't use the term much. I'm not really sure I know what it
    means. I do know that, because I have free will, I could freely choose
    tomorrow to abandon the faith. I think. Gosh -- I don't think I ever
    wrote that before. Where would I go? Maybe I could really NOT do such a
    thing after all.


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