Re: Process Theology

Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 14:18:49 EST

  • Next message: Charles F. Austerberry: "Re: Perelandra (a reply to D. Campbell)"

    On Tue, 22 Feb 2000 09:36:04 CST "Scott Wendorf" <>
    > I like the past few posts. They are refreshingly different and seem
    > to have
    > brought in some different voices from amongst us. Not to interrupt
    > this
    > flow, but I was wondering: Does anyone have a good "nutshell"
    > definition of
    > process theology, along with the main objections to it? I saw the
    > term used
    > in Ted Davis' essay, and at first somewhat smugly assumed that I
    > knew what
    > it meant, then had to admit to myself that I didn't!
    > ______________________________________________________
    Process theology is a view that goes back to Alfred North Whitehead,
    especially _Process and Reality_ (1929). There are also elements of it in
    _Adventures of Ideas_ (1933), especially the middle chapters. It's been
    many years since I studied him, but he seems to think that he has dealt
    with the matter of God's immanence in contrast to the orthodox emphasis
    on transcendence. Adherents to this view hold that it also solves the
    problem of human freedom.

    The root of the system is a finite deity, one which is immanent, giving a
    form of pantheism, technically called panentheism, with at least some
    elements of personalityt ascribed to it. This deity is developing along
    with the material universe. Being more encompassing, it knows more about
    the universe than we do and so can better predict the future, but it is
    at the mercy of events that it did not accurately anticipate. So we have
    to hope that this deity will not succumb with its universe to
    catastrophic events that it could not foresee and does not have the power
    to control. This lack of foresight is held to be the foundation of human
    freedom, on the mistaken notion that no one can fully predict what he
    does not determine. In other words, adherents to process theology have
    constructed a god in their own image, something which I class as
    idolatry. I contend that it is not necessary to produce a graven image to
    have an idol to worship.

    I haven't had enough interest in process theology to try to find out how
    they accommodate the Big Bang. I suspect that it must involve the
    self-creation of their deity as it produces the universe. But I think, to
    make things consistent, they should take the Indian route and make Brahma
    eternal. But, what little contact I have had with adherents leads me to
    expect obfuscation of such matters.

    Since the Society of Christian Philosophers has a goodly proportion of
    process theologians, perhaps some of the brethren at Calvin, who are
    active in the organizaztion, could respond more accurately and concisely.


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