Re: the "image of God"

From: glenn morton (
Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 16:12:09 EST

  • Next message: "Re: worshipping an oil company"

    At 07:44 PM 2/16/00 -0700, John W. Burgeson wrote:
    >Glenn wrote:
    >"Yes a strong claim based upon experts in canine behavior who say exactly
    >that. I see no reason to doubt the experts. There is too much doubting of
    >experts in Christian apologetics and I don't want to add to it."
    >But Glenn -- they are not saying anything particularly about
    >Christianity. ALl they are doing is naming the behavior pattern.

    No but they are not saying that dogs worship, only that dogs submit to the
    alpha male by rolling on their back and exposing their soft belly to
    attack. Dogs do that to us, but it isn't worship.
    >Gould and Dawkins and Sagan are experts. I know you doubt them on
    >occasion, as do I. Shoot friend, I doubt YOU sometimes. As I also doubt

    And rightfully you should doubt me sometimes. Skepticism is one of God's
    greatest gift to keep us from falling prey to falsehood. And this is
    unfortunately what many young-earth advocates lack.

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