Re: Eve

From: David Campbell (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 05:52:39 EST

  • Next message: Russell Maatman: "Fw: Fw: looks and humanity"

    > >Was Eve created on the sixth day?
    > >
    > >Is this clear?

    Obviously, this depends on what one means by the sixth day. A
    twenty-four hour day runs into problems with the different frameworks
    of Genesis 1:1-2:3 and 2:4ff, not to imply discrepant sources
    carelessly assembled but rather different emphasis and imagery. For
    example, if every in 2:19 is taken in a global sense, Adam has to
    invent a whole lot of names in a very short time to eliminate all the
    alternatives within 24 hours. On the other hand, accepting a more
    limited use of every in 2:19 makes it even harder to justify
    insistance on a global use of every in chapters 6 through 9. Events
    from several days of Chapter 1 are in the day of 2:4ff, again making
    it hard to correlate if a one-week framework is imposed. On the other
    hand, if by created on the sixth day one means forming a part of the
    creation described in 1:24-31, Eve fits that.

    David C.

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