RE: Fw: Trying again

From: glenn morton (
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 15:18:52 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: Fw: Trying again"

    At 08:34 AM 2/11/00 -0500, wrote:
    >Regarding Glenn's comments:
    >>Yes I am advocating a sort of Turing test for the image of God. If someone
    >>who doesn't look like me, acts human, prays, speaks, uses tools, and other
    >>things like this, then he is human regardless of how differenly he looks.
    >>If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck and quacks like a duck then for
    > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    >>goodness sakes it is a DUCK!!!
    >So looking like a duck is part of the duck test. How does this square
    >with your preference for a Turing test then?

    You have pointed out an excellent example for future English texts on how
    not to write a paragraph. :-)

    Basically one must define what one means as 'looks like.' I look like a
    tetrapod because I am descended from them. So to a certain point, if a
    tetrapod came up to me speaking, praying and using tools, I would probably
    have to posit that he has the image. When applied to fossil men, the
    looking different from me is based on subtler details of the morphology.
    If I recall correctly Blacks have straighter femurs than Whites; obviously
    darker skin, kinky hair etc. But over all we look quite similar. But in the
    past, people didn't think that such trivial differences were minor. Thus
    in the past such differences were used to disqualify certain racial groups
    from humanity. The Pawnee of the midcontinent believed that they were the
    only people. In fact, Pawnee means people. All others weren't people. Thus
    they had the right to kidnap and sacrifice young women from other tribes.
    And as I said when applied to fossil man, the differences between us and
    them are very small yet many apologists want to exclude them from humanity.
     I simply don't see a difference between what we do with fossil men and
    what the Skidi Pawnee did with other tribes.

    While I did a lousy job of writing, looks simply can't be part of the image
    of God except incidentally.

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