Re: NAS statement

From: James Taggart (
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 15:08:37 EST

  • Next message: David Campbell: "Re: NAS statement"

    The later statement: "Evolution has no specific direction or goal..." is still
    over the top. The word specific should
    be changed to something like apparent, but that is for another day...

    Allan Harvey <> on 02/04/2000 02:42:01 PM

    To: "Wendee Holtcamp" <>
    cc: (bcc: James Taggart/Multilink)
    Subject: Re: NAS statement

    At 01:30 PM 2/4/00 -0600, you wrote:
    >Somehow I missed all the previous exchange but am interested in this. What
    >was the recent change to the National Academy of Sciences statement on
    >evolution for a Sun school class? Keith, can you resend me your original

    The story of the change in the statement itself (as written up by Eugenie
    Scott) is at this Website:

    It's nice to see that this secular body is agreeing with many of us that
    it is wrong to attach God-excluding metaphysical meaning to evolutionary
    scientific descriptions. Now if we could just get certain Christian
    anti-evolution crusaders to realize that ....

    | Dr. Allan H. Harvey | |
    | Physical and Chemical Properties Division | "Don't blame the |
    | National Institute of Standards & Technology | government for what I |
    | 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303 | say, or vice versa." |

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