Re: Problems with poll

From: Allen & Diane Roy (
Date: Thu Jan 27 2000 - 11:06:48 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Baptism: Immersion or Sprinkling?"

    From: James Mahaffy <>
    > I commend the effort that Roy has made, but I am afraid the poll is
    > flawed because Roy did not make or modify the questions enough to
    > address his own research questions or modify it for a different
    > audience. I know there were questions the reflected the original
    > pollsters, who didn't understand some of the Christian positions and as
    > I indicated earlier should have been reworded. Unfortunately I don't
    > think the poll sampled a percentage of any group or even randomly
    > sampled any groups. That being the case, one can not validly generalize
    > beyond the folks who took it.

    There was something else I wanted to say about this. Do some of the results contradict what you (James) believe they should be? Perhaps I'm reading more into your comments than is really there, but it feels like you don't like some of what has been discovered thus far and so you are looking for reasons why the poll is faulty or poorly sampled. Perhaps we ought to talk about those results that are thought to be flawed or incomplete. It would help me in preparing better questions.

    Allen Roy

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