Re: Chance?

From: John W. Burgeson (
Date: Thu Jan 13 2000 - 18:42:49 EST

  • Next message: Massie: "[Fwd: Re: *Physical Constants (fwd)...Lack of predictive power of physics]"

    Vernon Jenkins wrote:

    "I fail to grasp your line of reasoning here. You appear to suggest that
    everything can be attributed to chance! Has God no part to play in your
    reading of the scheme of things?"

    I am unsurprised you fail to see my reasoning -- which is, of course,
    just an example of how things work.

    In response to your 2nd and 3rd sentences above, I personally see God as
    complete sovereign over all. But that sovereignty does not negate the
    roles each of us necessarily must play.

    You go on to write:

    "The Scriptures inform us that in times of great apostasy God acts in a
    decisive manner to rekindle the dying embers of faith. I believe he is
    thus involved in our day - having furnished his word with a principle of
    self-verification you choose to label 'chance' - and that, I suspect,
    without having examined the extent and quality of the evidence!"

    I understand that to be your claim. I happen to think it is a foolish
    claim, and what I have read so far on this LISTSERV has not persuaded me
    that I should give it any more credence than yesterday's astrology
    column. Sorry about that.

    "Before writing off my claims, may I suggest that you read just a page or
    two from the first of the URLs - "666 - and All That!", for example. It
    will give you some insight into the kind of things I am talking about."

    My friend, I have read stuff like that before. It was the reading of such
    stuff that helped me decide to renounce Christianity many years ago. It
    was the realization that such stuff was not normative that persuaded me
    to reconsider Christianity some years later.

    It is my understanding that coming up with "numeric proofs" such as you
    espouse can be done rather easily with other texts -- such as MOBY DICK,
    for instance.

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