Re: *Physical Constants (fwd)...Lack of predictive power of physics

From: Massie (
Date: Thu Jan 13 2000 - 16:47:58 EST

  • Next message: David Campbell: "Re: biology"

    Joel Cannon wrote:
    > On Thu 13 Jan 2000 Massie wrote:
    > >So you admit the lack of predictive power meaning the ability
    > >to forcast the next big organism.
    > Physics is unable to predict the next big meteor, the next big
    > earthquake, or the next big storm except in terms of
    > probabilities so the standard may be flawed. (or maybe it is physics
    > that is flawed).
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Joel W. Cannon | (724)223-6146
    > Physics Department |
    > Washington and Jefferson College |
    > Washington, PA 15301 |

    Give me the boundary conditions and I will forecast the hit time down to
    the nanosecond. Physics works and it predicts.

    Now, I will give you boundary conditions for the animal experment.

    There are a big bunch of chickens and the foxes are eating them. Over
    time there will be some microselection as the gene frequencies are
    modified and those with longer legs are seen to dominate the population.

    Now tell me as to "inventive macromutations":

    Will the chickens develope teeth as a defensive mechanism?

    Will they develop an eye in the back of their head?

    How long will it take given the number of chickens, foxes, etc.?

    What does the ratio of chickens to foxes have to be at t=0 so that the
    chickens do not go extinct? Or, that there become too few chickens so
    genetically produce an effective mutation rate?

    What will happen, and incidently, I will give you as accurate a
    description of the initial conditions of the chickens as you want, why,
    you can even be given the total genetic code of the chicken, mutation
    rate, etc. Just tell me what you want to know and in fact please assume
    that you have all the information you want at time zero.

    I await your reply.

    Bert M

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