*Physical Constants (fwd)...Lack of predictive power of physics

From: Joel Cannon (jcannon@jcannon.washjeff.edu)
Date: Thu Jan 13 2000 - 16:29:39 EST

  • Next message: Rasmussen, Ryan J.: "RE: biology"

    On Thu 13 Jan 2000 Massie wrote:

    >So you admit the lack of predictive power meaning the ability
    >to forcast the next big organism.

    Physics is unable to predict the next big meteor, the next big
    earthquake, or the next big storm except in terms of
    probabilities so the standard may be flawed. (or maybe it is physics
    that is flawed).

    Joel W. Cannon | (724)223-6146
    Physics Department |
    Washington and Jefferson College |
    Washington, PA 15301 |

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