Re: Physical constants

From: Kamilla Ludwig (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 11:21:21 EST

  • Next message: James W Stark: "Re: The importance of concordism"

    Since when is Chuck Missler a scientist? Or are you referring to him because
    he quotes scientists?

    James W Stark wrote:

    > Speak for yourself Bert. The whole community of scientists does not insist
    > that the speed of light is a constant over time. Some are bold enough to
    > challenge the status quo. For starters read John D. Barrow's article in New
    > Scientist, 24 July 1999 at
    > Then read Speed of Light Slowing Down by Chuck Missler at
    > Personally, I take an agnostic but open position. The status quo needs to
    > change. It is too set in its dogmatic claims. This is a problem in science
    > as well as religion.
    > Jim Stark

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