Re: Physical constants

From: James W Stark (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 10:27:24 EST

  • Next message: Kamilla Ludwig: "Re: Physical constants"

    > From: Massie <>
    > Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 00:14:28 -0500
    > To:
    > Subject: Physical constants
    > Let me encourge you to believe that the scinetific community which most
    > assuredly does not believe that the speed of light is changing is not
    > taking this position for any phisophical or theological agenda.
    > Further, the question has been and is continuing to be re-asked because
    > showing it to be wrong immediately gets a big Nobel prize.
    > Bert M.
    Speak for yourself Bert. The whole community of scientists does not insist
    that the speed of light is a constant over time. Some are bold enough to
    challenge the status quo. For starters read John D. Barrow's article in New
    Scientist, 24 July 1999 at

    Then read Speed of Light Slowing Down by Chuck Missler at

    Personally, I take an agnostic but open position. The status quo needs to
    change. It is too set in its dogmatic claims. This is a problem in science
    as well as religion.
    Jim Stark

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