Re: PJ and AIDS

From: Kamilla Ludwig (
Date: Sun Jan 02 2000 - 13:01:24 EST

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: Exceptional Measures"

    Correction to my previous post:

    Root-Bernstein posited a multi-factorial model.

    I dug out one of my Duesberg books this morning to review some of it and, as I
    understand it, there are objections he has to the HIV/AIDS theory that have not
    been answered. Three of them are:

    1. The HIV/AIDS model contradicts what is known experimentally about
    retroviruses. Most notably, they have a generation time of 24-48 hours which
    is inconsistent with the long latent period.

    2. There are no other known retroviral diseases outside of the laboratory.

    3. HIV does not kill T-cells.

    Have these three assertions of Duesberg's been answered? I would appreciate
    anyone that can point me to the literature.


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