I am going to raise a point lots on this list won't like. I see little
difference in the behavior of these students who refused to change when
confronted by problems for their view, and the refusal of old-earth,
anti-evolutionists to change when confronted with data that clearly shows
that Neanderthal and/or Homo erectus had,
Broca's area of the brain which controls language....
fashioned statues....
made jewelry....
made flutes and whistles.....
dug post holes....
Built tents and huts....
Built walls.....
Constructed paved areas in their huts....
Made wooden spears....
committed murder.....
made clothing....
controlled fire.....
made idols.....
One Neanderthal site was called a sacrificial altar...
Engaged in REPRESENTATIONAL art....
Like humans many lacked the wisdom teeth....
Had a human pattern of birth and maturation....
Crossed the ocean in boats....
Planned for their future needs....
Cared for their fellow man....
No ape does these things!!
Yet old-earth anti-evolutionists, like young-earth creationists, allow their
theology to determine which discoveries are acceptable and which must be denied.
If theology is to determine the facts of the world, then why kid ourselves
that we care about the scientific data?
Foundation, Fall and Flood