Stott notes 2

McCarrick, Allan (
Fri, 09 May 1997 08:25 EST

This is the second in a series of notes from a talk by Philip Stott in
Maryland on April 25.

11. A certain Russian physicist, V.S. Troitski (sp ?) has published a
theory that "the speed of light was 10 billion times faster in the past."
No reference to a specific journal.

12. Stellar evolution follows a fixed pathway from cool cloud to brown
dwarf. All stars follow the path, and no fast changes are possible.
Sirius has been observed by the ancient to be a red color (150 AD) and is
now a white color. This change "is not possible".

13. The star GF Sagitarii (sp?) has changed in apparent temperature from
12000 to 5000 in just 36 years, and "is continuing to fade."

14. That stars are just other suns in only a theory that traces back to
Bruno. There are observations that the sun and stars are not the same

15. The model on nuclear reactions in the solar interior was motivated
completely by the evolutionist's need for long ages.

16. The current studies of solar pulsations (solar waves) has led to the
conclusion that the solar core cannot be hot enough for nuclear fusion

17. The number of neutrinos observed from the sun are far too small, and
"those observed are the wrong energy."

18. Meteorite dust on the moon is a strong evidence for a young
universe. The Apollo people were prepared for a thick layer. The dust
was thin, but the "experiments to measure the rate of dust-fall have
shown that it is as high as predicted." Therefore the moon is young.

19. Voyager has shown that Jupiter is giving off much more energy than
it received from the sun. Therefore Jupiter must be young.

20. The volcanoes on IO put out so much material into orbit that the
moon should be gone. Therefore IO is young.

I think there will be one more set on notes. I hope to have time to
begin to take on these one by one.
