I.O.U. — This page will be developed more fully in late 2010, probably during November or December,
summaries about energy topics, and links to:
• the best pages & audios/videos we can find on the internet, plus
a few off-the-web books, films, etc;
• pages written by members of the American Scientific Affiliation (ASA)
our website & journal & conferences
It will offer information and links for these areas and topics:
• a social context that includes negative attitudes toward Christians
within the community of environmental activists, and vice versa, with variations
of attitudes (it's been
negative mixed with positive) and changes in attitudes.
• Bible-based stewardship — biblical reasons for developing a Christian worldview
that will help us more effectively care for a world created by God.
• Christian Worldviews — Why is the title of this page "Christian
Worldview" instead of "a Christian Worldview"? It's because,
as explained in the appendix below (from the links-page for Christian
Education and Living a Worldview),
"each person has
a unique worldview" that is shaped by many factors (social,
political, and personal) so "Christian beliefs
are only one part — although
often a very important part — of
a person's worldview." This variation of worldview seems
especially important when we look at Christian views about environmental stewardship; for
example, we see differing views about a "tragedy of the commons" and
its role in a Christian's ideas & actions. We'll
look at reasons (theological and cultural) for Christians, in America
and elsewhere, to develop a variety of views about our environment and our
yet Unique Some parts of a worldview are shared by all Christians. And some sharing is specific to Catholics (or Baptists, Mennonites,...) and to those who are not Christian yet have experiences with it — some through personal experience, and almost everyone through being influenced by "what they hear" from media, friends, or their own religious leaders. A person's "Christian worldview" is influenced by their beliefs and faith, and also by other factors — their inherited characteristics and abilities, background experiences and life context, the values, attitudes, and habits they have developed, and more — and these vary from one person to another. Therefore, it's not accurate to talk about THE Christian worldview, since each person has a unique worldview. But we can think of the beliefs shared by all Christians as being "the Christian worldview-component" if we recognize that this component varies from one person to another (and one church to another), and if we recognize that Christian beliefs are only one part — although often a very important part — of a person's worldview. |
• Christian actions in the past, present, and (potentially)
in the future, including direct actions (especially locally) by individuals
and small groups, and by organizations (churches
& parachurch nonprofits) that promote direct action plus "indirect action"
environmental education, by organizations and individuals, informally in
the media and on the internet, in schools (K-12 through college) and in the
Christian community.
Most members of ASA
are trying to be good stewards through actions in our lives, talks in
our meetings (about Serving the Poor by
using Science & Technology plus other stewardship topics), pages in
our websites, and papers in our journal:
In Preparing
the Way for Action (1994), Cal DeWitt describes Stumbling Blocks [for
Christians] to Creation's Care and Keeping: "While
convicted by environmental degradation and scriptural teachings on environmental
stewardship, we may find ourselves hesitating to do what must be done. Stumbling
blocks and pitfalls often prevent Christians from engaging in stewardly care
and reconciliation of creation. Once identified and recognized, these things
need no longer stand in our way, and we can proceed to act on our knowledge and
beliefs about creation and the environment." And more recently,
two interviews with Cal DeWitt in 2006 — by Buzzsaw
Haircut and Gristmill — and
a talk (mp3).
In Cultural
Transformation and Conservation (2006), Fred Van Dyke describes Growth,
Influence, and Challenges for the Judeo-Christian Stewardship Environmental Ethic: "In
a period of less than thirty years, the Judeo-Christian tradition was transformed
from being perceived by scientific and popular culture as the cause of the ecologic
crisis to being viewed as a major contributor to its solution. The increasing
attention and respect given to the Judeo-Christian environmental stewardship
ethic is in large part a result of careful scholarship and effective activism
in environmental ethics and conservation by the Christian community."
• This page will contain a summary-overview for each topic above,
plus links to selected web resources
(ranging from introductory to comprehensive), and
it may link to specialty pages for some topics.
In order to find high-quality pages at each level for many
topics, I (the editor of ASA's website for Whole-Person Education) will
help, and hopefully much of the creative work — in deciding what
to do and how, and then finding and selecting high-quality resources — can
be done by those who are more expert than myself, who know more about each
topic-area, and also know "who is doing what" and
who has written good pages about it.
When searching for content-pages, the key is SELECTIVITY. With
a search engine and a few minutes, it's easy to find lots of pages. It's
much more difficult to find the best pages (at all levels, from introductory
to in-depth) but this is the goal. We want to recommend only high-quality
pages, so users can learn quickly and well, and they won't be overwhelmed with
too many choices. {more
selectivity} {if you have helpful ideas, please contact me, Craig
Rusbult, craig@asa3.org}
You can see a preliminary
structure of topics in this links-page, and each of the
others. But
each structure is tentative, and it will be modified during the process
of developing the website. If you
want to see parts of the overall website that are more fully developed,
check Thinking Skills or
(on a larger scale) Creation
This website for Whole-Person Education has TWO KINDS OF LINKS:
an ITALICIZED LINK keeps you inside a page, moving you to
another part of it, and
a NON-ITALICIZED LINK opens another page. Both keep everything inside this window,
so your browser's BACK-button will always take you back to where you were.
Christian Stewardship of Life Our Stewardship of Opportunities in Life |
This page, assembled by Craig Rusbult (editor), is
Copyright © 2008