Origins Evidence
This is an outdated version of the page, and
most of the original content has been removed.
It's here only to be an example showing how an image-map,
like the "visual overview" below,
might be useful in a sitemap.
A Visual Overview of Origins
Eventually, when web-resources are available for each
the links in this diagram will take you to the RESOURCES below,
not (as in the current map) to the INTRODUCTIONS above.
A Verbal
Review (of sections in this page, and in the diagram)
Our scientific knowledge about properties
and history -- astronomical, geological, chemical,
and biological -- provides evidence for theories about origins.
When we ask questions about the age
of the universe, we look to astronomy
and geology (and fossils in geological formations)
for answers. Some proponents of young-earth theories question the reliability
of conclusions from historical sciences.
Evidence about the origin
of the universe comes from astronomical
history and properties (including astrophysics, quantum physics,...).
The main reasons to suspect a design
of the universe are astronomical and
biological properties.
Theories about design
in history are proposed mainly for chemical
and biological history.
Questions about design
in science focus on design in history
(although design of the universe also raises
interesting questions) which makes "historical science" claims,
so arguments for the scientific credibility of non-design theories in historical
sciences (astronomy, geology, paleontology, evolutionary biology,...)
can provide a defense for some arguments, but not all, against design theories.
All of this, and much more, involves the nature of
The area of Origins Theories has sub-areas of
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Creation Origins Evidence
Origins Education
This ex-homepage for Origins Evidence, written by Craig
Rusbult, is