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This page has two major sections:
Intelligent Design of the Universe (Was nature designed
so it would evolve?)
How old is the universe? (based on scientific evidence-and-logic from astronomy)
The general meaning of evolution is just "developmental change over time," and there are major differences between four types of proposed developments — in
astronomical evolution (to form stars and galaxies,
planets and solar systems), geological
evolution (to form the earth's features), chemical
evolution (to form the first life), and biological
evolution (to form the
and biodiversity of life) — which involve four very different sets of questions and
scientific observations.
Intelligent Design of the
Universe? (before history)
If astronomical evolution is to occur, many properties
of the universe must be "just
right." Should we therefore conclude that the universe was cleverly
designed to allow its natural astronomical evolution? This question is examined in INTELLIGENT DESIGN OF THE UNIVERSE?
There might be FOUR DIFFERENT TYPES OF DESIGN. A theory proposing an intelligent design of nature (above) is based on evidence that natural process can produce some features, so it differs from the design theories (below) which propose that natural process cannot produce a particular feature.
Intelligent Design-Directed Action? (during history)
Some astronomers (Hugh Ross, Guillermo Gonzales,...) think
earth has a large number of special life-allowing features, and it would be
for all of these to occur by chance for one planet. But
they — along with most other proponents of intelligent design (if we exclude young-earth creationists who think the universe is young) — don't claim that the production of any individual feature required design-directed action, which
would be necessary if undirected natural process could not produce the
connections between design and age: Most evidences for a design of nature are due to the many fine-tuned properties of nature that must be "just right" for the natural developments that occurred during astronomical evolution. Ironically, when young-earth creationists argue against age-principles (below) they argue against the strongest evidences for an intelligent design of the universe.
This section will help you understand the natural processes that, according to conventional scientific theories, produce astronomical evolution to form stars and galaxies, planets and solar systems. By contrast, most proponents of young-universe theories claim this natural evolution could not occur, and all of them think it did not occur.
Some of the
abundant evidence for an old earth and old universe is in AGE
on this educational philosophy:
goal is to help you get an accurate understanding,
so we've tried to find the best information and arguments
claimed as support by both sides, young earth and old earth. And
won't be NEUTRAL, we will try to be FAIR by letting
representatives of each perspective clearly express their own views and criticize
other views, and by treating their views with respect."
Below are two
parts of
the page (Overviews & Responses, Selected Topics) plus questions about Distant Starlight:
Astronomy — Overviews & Responses
To help you learn quickly and well, here are some carefully
The Big Bang Expansion
There is strong evidence indicating that the universe has been expanding for the past 14 billion years.
FAQ from NASA explains why the Big Bang was not an "explosion".
NASA's Universe
101 [also in PDF] — The Big Bang (from Exploratorium) — Three
Supports (by Perry Phillips) — news
+ FAQ + tutorial (from Ned Wright) — Chapters 10-17 in Foundations of Modern Cosmology.
Scientific Confidence: An introductory overview about The Big Bang from All About Science ends with questions that are more skeptical than is justifiable based on evidence and logic. Among scientists who have studied the evidence, almost all (everyone except young-earth creationists whose "scientific" views are based on their interpretations of Genesis, not on scientific evidence-and-logic) have concluded that our universe began with a rapid "big bang" expansion 13.7 billion years ago. Many cosmologists think the expansion was extremely rapid at the beginning, in an inflationary phase, and then slowed down to the current rate of expansion.
More information about cosmological inflation is in the links-page about DESIGN OF THE UNIVERSE, including an explanation of the early shift from high-energy conditions to (relatively) low-energy conditions, which is outlined in Wikipedia's history of the Big Bang (assuming inflation) in a graphical timeline and (with a caution that "all ideas concerning the very early universe are speculative") verbal timeline.
The Life Cycle of Stars
Although there is some variation in lifetimes, for most stars the processes in a life cycle require billions of years. And when we look at different distances away from earth (and thus different times in the past) we can observe many successive generations of stars, each lasting billions of years.
Life Cycle of Stars - and Birth of Planets (by Deborah Haarsma & Loren Haarsma) — The Life and Death of Stars (from NASA) — Life Cycle of a Star (Protostar & Lifetime - main sequence, equilibrium, after - and HR-Diagram introduction) — How Stars Work (introduction) by HowStuffWorks, including Life & Death and How the Sun Works and more — The Birth of Stars (from Enchanted Learning)
Distant Starlight
This is a major problem for those who propose a young earth-and-universe. Why? If the universe has existed for less than 10 thousand years,
how can we see light from distant stars, from stars so far away that light
of years
to reach
us? This problem, and proposed solutions, are examined in Distant Starlight - a problem for Young-Earth Creationists.
Determining Age from Observations
• Calculating Age (a short series of pages by Exploratorium)
• old-universe claims by TO and Hill
Roberts; a good overview of current
young-universe astronomy by Danny Faulkner; young-universe claims by Don
DeYoung and Jason Lisle (in chapters from Taking Back Astronomy). The overviews & responses
above also include some astronomy, especially in Humphreys (topics
1-3), and TO's
Topic-List & Tiscareno (astronomy
plus the final topic in page, Star Distances).
There is plenty of evidence for the Big Bang, as described
by Hugh
Ross & TO (brief) & TalkOrigins (in
depth), plus responses to 10
Problems for the Big Bang (Richard Deem) and Astronomical
Complexity & The
Second Law of Thermodynamics. David Berlinski (OE) wonders what
happened before the beginning and Apologetics Press (YE, A B)
describes science history and science. John
Hartnett and Carl
Wieland think disagreements among OE-scientists shows the Big Bang theory
is in trouble, but Greg Neyman (A B)
explains that this is just how science works.
You can also learn about Distant Starlight (which includes subsections for Light Speed Slowdown [c-decay] & White Hole Cosmology) and
in ASTRONOMY: AGE OF THE UNIVERSE [which is the page you're now reading].
• Speed of Moon Recession — a
problem for OE? If the moon had moved away for 4.5 billion years at the current rate, it would be much further away. |
Speed of Moon Recession — an
OE solution? The arrangement of continents has changed, and this changed the rate of recession, so the "if" isn't correct and neither is the calculation. (TO) |
• Number of Supernova Remnants — a
problem for OE? In an old universe, we would see more second- and third-generation supernova remnants. |
Number of Supernova Remnants — an
OE solution? The YE math is based on wrong premises, and supernovas support OE in several ways. (TO Neyman) |
If you want to explore more widely,
the Potential
Resources Page for Astronomy
has links (that are several years old, because the page was assembled in 2006) for resources to supplement those above (the overviews & responses,
plus pages about moon recession & supernova remnants and Distant
Starlight. The potential resources include these
distant starlight c-decay white hole cosmology apparent age — astronomy Big Bang red shift CMB dark matter — galaxy shapes supernova remnants star evolution black holes faint sun shrinking sun solar neutrinos — NASA & Joshua solar system origin extrasolar planets planet problems comets astronomical cycles planet magnetism space dust water on Mars earth rotation moon recession moon dust moon craters moon-misc — Big
Bang & Theism
I.O.U. — Later, other topics (check the Potential Resources
Page above for
possibilities) will
be added to this page.
A DISCLAIMER: In this page you'll find links to resource-pages expressing a wide range of views, which don't necessarily represent the views of the American Scientific Affiliation. Therefore, linking to a page does not imply an endorsement by ASA. We encourage you to use your own critical thinking to evaluate everything you read. |
This website for Whole-Person Education has TWO KINDS OF LINKS:
an ITALICIZED LINK keeps you inside a page, moving you to
another part of it, and
a NON-ITALICIZED LINK opens another page. Both keep everything inside this window,
so your browser's BACK-button will always take you back to where you were.
This page, written by Craig Rusbult (editor of ASA Science
Ed Website), is
and was revised
August 14, 2010
( and all links were checked-and-fixed on July
3, 2006 )
Astronomical Geological Chemical Biological