If man continues to concentrate his search for the mind to that area between his ears he will never find it. Science more often than not discovers what it expects to find. While there are certain "things" an individual is capable of comprehending with the aid of their 5 measly senses the mind is not one of those things that lends itself to scientific deduction, most worthwhile things do not!
Psychiatrists delve into our brains & physiologists map out our bodies & geneticists trace our DNA & the iron grip of heredity & as they do so they discover how little control or responsibility, if any, we have over our actions but yet most continue to cling to this "free will" nonsense.
The earth is a wasting asset charging idiotically through space, man on its back like fleas on a dog! We do not know where we came from nor where we are going, why with any degree of certainity we don't even know where we are {solipsism}.
Depending upon the flexibility that thing between your ears that poses as a thought process
you will know what you see only in ways you are programmed to see . The eye see's only that which the brain is prepared to comprehend.
The uncreated creator (god to many) is the author of the book you are but a character in. You will unfold strictly according to the script! The unproduced producer (god to many)
is the transmitter your mind is the receiving station. Your mind relays these "compulsions"
[transmissions from the uncreated creator] to your body which carries out the tasks as god or as bad as you were designed to carry them out!
Were I ever to encounter the uncreated creator, the unproduced producer I would ask
"ok I accept that you created me & all & sundry but who created you?" It (the uncreated creator) "could say" I was never created but have always been! You with those measly 5
senses I saw fit to endow you with couldn't fathom nor comprehend the woof & warp of
me & my reasons even if i told you! Upon death you shall recieve a 6th sense & shall then
sense more!" Gods greatest gift to man is death! No more suffering, mental or physical!
Death is not the greatest loss in life, the greatest loss is what dies inside of us while we live, our spirit & our hopes & dreams. Is it not better to see yourself as your really are than for others to see you as you wish you were? chao/Silk
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