Re: wheres the beef

From: bill r wald (
Date: Sun Feb 11 2001 - 16:47:43 EST

  • Next message: "Quantum evolution"

    Dear Kurt

    > Much of my education on this comes from
    >the books of Phillip Johnson and Michael Behe.

    As I recall Johnson & Behe theorize an old universe micro-managed by God?
    I supose I can philosophically agree with that but I'm not sure that if
    God did a perfect job to start with that micro-management is necessary.

    One of them someplace suggests that God could have origionally planted
    life on this Earth with sufficiently complex DNA to account for the
    evolutionaly changes that we (think) we have detected. On the other hand,
    If this life was origionally planted with functioning DNA then it just as
    well have been space aliens that did the planting. There have been a
    zillion si-fi stories written with this theme. But that only pushes the
    problem of first cause back another level. First cause is a metaphysical
    problem that can't be answered by science. (For that matter, as a
    "Baconian," I reject the claim that much of cosmology and all of the
    digging in dirt to find historical evidence of anything fields of study
    are "scientific.")

    As science, seems to me this problem boils down to:

            A. Could an origional planting of DNA contain sufficient information to
    explain our observations?

            B. Does God Micro-manage this universe?

            C. Are A & B detectable by some process which includes a mechanism for

    To date, the "Intelligent Design" theorists have not provided a process
    for "C." Nothing that makes any sense to me, not an expert.

    I reject a 7 day young earth/universe creation. God could have done it
    that way but then we are living in sort of a sound stage universe, a
    spiritual universe, not a physical universe and all os science is just
    temporary and coincidental happenstance.

    By the way, this list is mostly dead. Apparently there is a going list on
    TOPICA but I havn't gone there, also at
    I'm happy to "talk" to on this list or off-list but I don't need another
    50 messages a day so have resisted subscribing to new lists.

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