Re: wheres the beef

From: Stephen E. Jones (
Date: Thu Feb 15 2001 - 07:10:43 EST

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "book review?"


    On Sun, 11 Feb 2001 13:47:43 -0800, bill r wald wrote:


    BW>By the way, this list is mostly dead. Apparently there is a going list on
    >TOPICA but I havn't gone there, also at
    >I'm happy to "talk" to on this list or off-list but I don't need another
    >50 messages a day so have resisted subscribing to new lists.


    May I suggest also The
    membership is small (8), and one of the rules:

            "3. While at this early stage there is no limit to the number of
            messages one may post in a session, quality rather than quantity
            should be the aim. Members should not feel they have to respond
            to every post, even those referring to them."

    will probably keep the number of messages per day low.

    To check it out click on:

    To subscribe, either send a message to: and you will
    receive an automated response that you simply reply to. Or just send a
    message to me requesting subscription and I will subscribe you manually.


    "Contemporary religious thinkers often approach the Argument from
    Design with a grim determination that their churches shall not again be
    made to look foolish. Recalling what happened when churchmen opposed
    first Galileo and then Darwin, they insist that religion must be based not on
    science but on faith. Philosophy, they announce, has demonstrated that
    Design Arguments lack all force. I hope to have shown that philosophy has
    demonstrated no such thing. Our universe, which these religious thinkers
    believe to be created by God, does look, greatly though this may dismay
    them, very much as if created by God." (Leslie J., "Universes", [1989],
    Routledge: London, 1996, reprint, p.22)
    Stephen E. Jones | Ph. +61 8 9448 7439 |

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